
Ruf by Bavaria Motors Event 2024

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An evening fully dedicated to the legendary car manufacturer, Ruf Automobile GmbH.

On Thursday, May 16, Bavaria Motors organized the Ruf by Bavaria Motors Event for the first time. As many as 160 people interested in Ruf Automobile registered for this event.

The guests of honor for the evening were Alois and Estonia Ruf, the founders of the legendary German car brand Ruf Automobile GmbH. Mr. Alois Ruf fascinated us all with stories about how the brand came to be and what the future holds. The conclusion was that this man is extremely passionate about the products he brings to the market, a vision that we as a company also cherish.

After his passionate speech, the visitors could enjoy a pleasant chat among themselves on the beautiful Oosterluys estate, owned by the Vyncke family.

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